Category: Worship Furniture

New radius curved pews at St Mary of the Immaculate Conception church

4 Big Things That Set New Holland Church Furniture Apart

With over 100 years  in the woodworking industry and over 70 years of experience in design and custom craftsmanship of worship furniture, there are few worship furniture and seating manufacturers in existence today that can match New Holland Church Furniture’s…
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New Holland Church Furniture craftsman shaping new sanctuary furniture piece

5 Big Signs It’s Time to Replace or Restore Your Sanctuary Furniture

Here at New Holland Church Furniture, we’ve seen it all in terms of damaged and worn out sanctuary furniture. From pews and other worship seating, pulpits/ambos, clergy chairs, and Bimah furniture, there are not many wood furniture pieces we haven’t…
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Mix of refurbished and new chancel furniture at Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY

How to Creatively Reuse Your Old Worship Furniture In a New Space

Has your church, temple, or other religious organization been working to address congregational growing pains by either building a new worship space or renovating an existing sanctuary or other gathering areas? If so, you deeply understand all of the nuanced…
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